Photo Gallery > My Offroad Trailer Build
Old Trailer
Old Trailer Frame
New Axle and Old Jeep Springs
Removing The Sharp Edges
Removing The Sharp Edges
Starting To Look Like A Real Trailer
I Want A Mig Welder
Looking Good
The old frame was square.
Receiver tube allows for different couplers.
Fish Plate
Mockup the springs and axle.
Mockup the springs and axle.
Mockup the springs and axle.
Mockup the springs and axle.
Thats a trailer frame!
Grinding again!
And again!
Spring shackle mounts.
Spring shackle mounts.
Spring shackle mounts.
Spring hanger.
Spring hanger.
Spring Pad
All Tacked Up
Grinding Again
Grinding Again
Almost finished with the box
In Use, In Camp
In Use, Starting To Unload